Selasa, 08 Mei 2012

not too much but so much (:

 I REALLY LIKE PINK, so I chose to wear this color background. I styled with colourful clothes combined with mini skirt with black FishNet detail. don't forget to add a beautiful green stone bracelet tosca as a sweetener in the hands of my right. then left in the hands of just me wear the ring with such a harmonious color bracelets. This ring-shaped flowers with its Center stone. and to add to the appearance don't let flats, I made white gold chain necklace as moulded. Creative right? : P the last touch, in order to mix the style of this shoe I wear high heels with thick rights model and made of wood. I love these shoes, but I don'tt like to wear it. because it is so make me tired and sore because these shoes are high to me -_- hihihih: D

 I wear this necklace to combined with clothes I wear. I love this necklace because it can be used to style anything. not only to a single theme. love it (:

Iron bracelet with gorgeous detail such as scaly green-coloured stone with tosca its Center. perfect! then the ring is also not less beautiful because of the shape of the flower with the same color as the bracelet. When I accidentally bought both this stuff and so know it turns out they were. I'm so glad (:

basic colors that will never out of date (:

 I especially love wearing black stockings like this when wearing shorts or skirts. I feel comfortable with this stuff (:

 detail the clothes I wear and beautiful Pearl Necklace which I use (:

These gorgeous earrings I bought subjected to one store. I love the beautiful ornaments studded detail (:

 the ring that I bought when there is event Jambi Fair in my town. very pretty with stone paved courtyard where (:

  this bracelet chains that I bought for the first time. I love the decorated. very pretty when I wear (:

 and this is also the high heels that my SUPER MOM bought it for me. pretty right? I like to wear it once in a while. but the truth is I'd rather wear wedges because it won't make my feet sore fast : P

Happy Birthday to me (:

I am so thankful to Allah b'cos I'm still can celebrate my 20th birthday with people that I hold dear (:
 the anniversary events is mediocre, but still meaningful for me b'cos to give this cake is the peoples who are special to me (:

 It's time to blowing the candles. I wish the best for me, my family and those closest to me (:

kind of dinchy shoes

pinchy - dinchy

jaman '45

 hahaha ini masa masa pemerintahan kapan nih ? -_- but still cutie hihiw :*
 waktu masih muda sukanya pakek poni hihi, ternyata mau digimanain tetep aja cantik dan menarik

masa - masa keponian